Municipal and institutional

Exemplary thoroughness
and accuracy

Your projects and infrastructure will be in good hands. We have extensive experience as a partner to municipalities, public service organizations, and major contractors. With Ecce Terra, you can count on an organization with the human, material, and technological resources to carry out complex projects. You can rely on an independent ally who cares about your reputation, your deadlines, your budgets and your accountability.

Expert support for municipal and institutional clients

Layout plan

Topographic plan

Technical description

A vast field of expertise.
Cutting-edge technologies.

Experts in the field and the territory. Municipal and institutional clients are expected to meet major challenges and are subject to strict accountability. As a leader in the fields of land law, measurement, localization and geomatics, we’re under the same pressure. New construction and infrastructure, landforms, road and culvert repairs, expropriations, zoning, wind turbines and pylons, urban design; it’s not our first rodeo. You have access to a broad spectrum of specialists and extensive technologies.